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XP12 connection

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Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:42 pm

XP12 connection

Post by mjrhealth »

Hi I know this uses XPUIPC to connect to xplane, but there are issues.
1. XPUIPC free is no longer in development
2. Since XP 11 and more so 12 it has a lot of bad datarefs.
3. The new ver will eventually be pay ware which for some is a waste simply because I only use it to connect to this add on.
I actually removed xpuipc, and will just use this as a map its good for that
As for old vers works with above issues .4.9 I think was the last ver causes crashes and shouldnt be used.

Of course you could ask teh other developer if you can use his littlexpconnectm, one plugin than can do both.

Just a heads up.
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